Become a Member
Become a member of the American Humanist Association! Help us further humanism by increasing our numbers and strengthening our voice.
Membership with the AHA includes a one-year subscription to the Humanist (4 issues) and lifetime access to our online humanist community on Discord. Members also receive discounts to conferences and other special events.
Your membership dues will support grassroots humanist advocacy in Washington and around the nation, as well as legal advocacy in defense of the First Amendment and humanists’ rights. In addition, your membership will advance humanist education and scholarship and increase humanist visibility through national advertising and online communications.
If You Would Like to Renew
You can renew your current membership right here as well! Just select the membership level at which you wish to renew. Regular membership renewal starts at $45.
Tax Deductible
The American Humanist Association (AHA) is a 501c3 charitable educational organization. Donations to the AHA, including your membership dues, are tax-deductible.
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