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Inspiring next-generation scientists

Supporting open access to real-world science resources, research, and experiences.


Rotating human neuron reconstructed by Allen Institute researchers.

Access free education resources and open data — developed with our scientists — to teach neuroscience, immunology, and cell biology

Guide students through experiments using our cutting-edge resources, including data from real human brains and healthy human stem cells, without the need for specialized laboratory facilities. Students only need an internet connection and computer to use our scientific resources – making our world-class programming easily accessible to most schools.

We offer resources for educators and students at the high school and college level developed in partnership with teachers and professors to ensure they are relevant to achieve current learning objectives.


AGAVE generated image of mitosis

Curriculum & Teaching Resources

Explore free lessons for high school and college students that incorporate our open data, tools, and resources
Access resources
Teachers learning in a classroom setting

Teacher Academy

Empowering educators to use real-world biology data from the Allen Institute
Teacher Academy
Artistic representation of neurons categorized on a periodic table

Classroom Posters

Request a free poster neuroscience or cell biology poster for your classroom
Request a poster

Watching my students work with real data from the Allen Institute has reframed the way I think about bringing research into the classroom.

Ashley Juavinett, Associate Teaching Professor

Neurobiology, UCSD

Teacher on an education tour at the Allen Institute in front of a labEducation Events and Programs

Through our education events and programs, we connect teachers and students to cutting-edge research without the need for lab access, equipment, and samples. We offer in-person field trips to the institute, visits from our scientists to schools in the Seattle area, and educational webinars to give students an inside look at our science and career paths in STEM. Funding may be available to provide up to $250 in bus reimbursement costs.

Interested in a field trip? Apply now.

Field trip application


The Allen Institute’s educational resources have been instrumental in helping me push the boundaries of what neuroscience research looks like.

Sarah Latchney, Assistant Professor of Neurobiology

St. Mary's College of Maryland

Science Programs at Allen Institute