ALS Ice Bucket Challenge Progress





Each year, The ALS Association Georgia Chapter holds several fundraising events to raise awareness and funds that help provide invaluable services to people living with ALS. Our largest annual fundraising event is The Atlanta Walk to Defeat ALS. Click here to register today! 

Below are links to our Walk Videos:

2021 Atlanta Walk to Defeat ALS

2019 Atlanta Walk to Defeat ALS

2018 Atlanta Walk to Defeat ALS

2017 Atlanta Walk to Defeat ALS

2016 Atlanta Walk to Defeat ALS






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Ignite your passion for a cure by hosting a fundraising event to benefit people living with ALS in Georgia! Your event could be anything from a dine-out event at a local restaurant, to planning and organizing a black tie affair in honor or in memory of a loved one. No matter your passion, we're here to help you use it make a difference in The ALS Community right here in Georgia. Create a One Dollar Difference fundraising page or fill out the form below and we will help you get started! 

For any questions about upcoming events or hosting a fundraising event, please contact Ellen Strickland, Special Event Coordinator |


We are always blown away by the incredible events that people like YOU host. Each fundraiser helps us  get one step closer to achieving our vision: to create a world without ALS. Thanks for helping us get there! 


Annual Heroes Amongst Us Luncheon | TBD

Golf Fore ALS | Ford Plantation, Richmond Hill, GA | May 2, 2022


Annual Dick Frame Fun Run | Macon, GA | TBA

Polar Bear Run | Roswell & Fayetteville, GA | Annual event at the end of December

The Polar Bear Run is an annual Car Ride hosted in memory of Susan Ferguson. Attendees meet at a starting location and make the drive to their destination where they enjoy lunch at a local restaurant. This year's event raised over $1500 for The ALS Association Georgia Chapter!! 

Raise a Voice for ALS | Wadley, GA | March 31, 2017

Annie Swan is a 9th grader who is so involved in her community. When her grandfather passed away from ALS, she decided to make her Miss GA Outstanding Teen platform The ALS Association Georgia Chapter! She has set a goal to raise $5,000 for ALS patients here in Georgia by hosting several fundraisers at her school... one of them being a Field Day! We are so grateful to Annie & her mother for their dedication to the fight against ALS! 


Click here to view the Calendar of Events

If you're interested in hosting an event to benefit The ALS Association Georgia Chapter, please fill out the form below! 

We apologize, but the selected Survey is currently unavailable.




Each year, The ALS Association Georgia Chapter holds several fundraising events to raise awareness and funds that help provide invaluable services to people living with ALS. Our largest annual fundraising event is The Atlanta Walk to Defeat ALS. Click here to register today! 

Below are links to our Walk Videos:

2021 Atlanta Walk to Defeat ALS

2019 Atlanta Walk to Defeat ALS

2018 Atlanta Walk to Defeat ALS

2017 Atlanta Walk to Defeat ALS

2016 Atlanta Walk to Defeat ALS






ignite your passion.png

Ignite your passion for a cure by hosting a fundraising event to benefit people living with ALS in Georgia! Your event could be anything from a dine-out event at a local restaurant, to planning and organizing a black tie affair in honor or in memory of a loved one. No matter your passion, we're here to help you use it make a difference in The ALS Community right here in Georgia. Create a One Dollar Difference fundraising page or fill out the form below and we will help you get started! 

For any questions about upcoming events or hosting a fundraising event, please contact Ellen Strickland, Special Event Coordinator |


We are always blown away by the incredible events that people like YOU host. Each fundraiser helps us  get one step closer to achieving our vision: to create a world without ALS. Thanks for helping us get there! 


Annual Heroes Amongst Us Luncheon | TBD

Golf Fore ALS | Ford Plantation, Richmond Hill, GA | May 2, 2022


Annual Dick Frame Fun Run | Macon, GA | TBA

Polar Bear Run | Roswell & Fayetteville, GA | Annual event at the end of December

The Polar Bear Run is an annual Car Ride hosted in memory of Susan Ferguson. Attendees meet at a starting location and make the drive to their destination where they enjoy lunch at a local restaurant. This year's event raised over $1500 for The ALS Association Georgia Chapter!! 

Raise a Voice for ALS | Wadley, GA | March 31, 2017

Annie Swan is a 9th grader who is so involved in her community. When her grandfather passed away from ALS, she decided to make her Miss GA Outstanding Teen platform The ALS Association Georgia Chapter! She has set a goal to raise $5,000 for ALS patients here in Georgia by hosting several fundraisers at her school... one of them being a Field Day! We are so grateful to Annie & her mother for their dedication to the fight against ALS! 


Click here to view the Calendar of Events

If you're interested in hosting an event to benefit The ALS Association Georgia Chapter, please fill out the form below! 

We apologize, but the selected Survey is currently unavailable.