2020 YE Donation Form Header

Happy holidays,

Thank you for your support of families like ours that are living with ALS.

Managing ALS is overwhelming. Your gift to The ALS Association Western Pennsylvania Chapter helps to ease the financial and emotional burdens of this disease, giving us peace of mind. A donation to the Chapter supports services, such as the Equipment Loan Program, that provides solutions to the daily challenges presented by ALS.

The resources provided through the Equipment Loan Program help us live our lives. Loaned items like a power wheelchair and ramp allow us to leave the house and do the things we enjoy. We have the freedom to stroll through the park or go to our grandkids' basketball games. Your gift brings joy back into our lives.

Generous donors like you improve our quality of life. Please give today to continue providing peace, joy, and solutions to other families living with ALS.

General Donate Button Navy

Thank you and Happy Holidays,


The O'Brien Family

A family living with ALS


P.S. The Equipment Loan Program helps fill the gap for hundreds of families each year by providing free resources not covered by insurance.