In The News

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Press Releases

Local Person Living with ALS Featured in National ALS PSA - Donna Boring
► Johnstown Walk to Defeat ALS to Kickoff Ice Bucket Month August 1
►  On April 21, ALS Advocates from across Pennsylvania visit Harrisburg
►  Best Man Tim Connects with The ALS Association
►  The Western Pennsylvania Chapter to Host First Annual Ski to Defeat ALS Event
►  The ALS Association Western PA Chapter Launches Bereavement Support Group
►  Allegheny Health Network ALS Program Named Certified Treatment Center of Excellence
►  The ALS Association Secures $300,000 Budget Line Item to Support Critical Patient Services for 800 Families in Pennsylvania 

Our Local Headlines

►  Western PA Charities gift desires fill latest Wish Book - Article in the Trib
►  UPMC Centers for Rehab Services Donates to ALS Through Pitt Basketball Free Throws
►  WHIRL Magazine - 2012 Pittsburgh Walk Spotlight
►  Veterans Ad with Craig Adams
►  Chapter Receives State Funding
►  ALS:  A Bad Break Indeed But PA Can Help 
►  Craig Adams' 30 second PSA
►  Craig Adams' 60 second PSA
►  Craig Adams Dr. Christi Kolarcik on Pittsburgh Today Show Live!
►  Anne and Craig Adams Join the Walk to Defeat ALS®
►  ALS Advocates in Harrisburg
►  Penguins Wives Association Benefit to our Chapter 
►  2012 State Advocacy
►  Welcome Merritt!

►  Read first-person articles about living with ALS from Monessa Tinsley-Crab, Post-Gazette Reporter, before she lost her battle with ALS