What can you do to #ChallengeALS

Quantum Rehab/Pride Mobility Donation Application


Quantum has allocated funds for approximately 20 seat lifts through a grant process. We are also thrilled to announce that in an effort to better meet the needs of people living with ALS, these grants/certificates will now be available year-round! 






Qualification Criteria

This program is to be used on behalf of a person living with ALS who needs the lift installed in a chair that is being ordered within 30-60 days of the time you apply for the certificate. These certificates can be used for a seat elevator for any manufacturer. (Please note that this is a secure survey and the information provided will only be used for the application review process.) 


Question - Required - This program is to be used on behalf of a person living with ALS who needs the lift installed in a chair that is being ordered within 30-60 days of the time you apply for the certificate. These certificates can be used for a seat elevator for any manufacturer. Please select the appropriate response below.


(Maximum response 255 chars, approx. 5 rows of text)


Process to receive lift certificate from Quantum:             

  1. Chapter requests a Quantum grant for qualified power chair recipient
  2. National will forward Quantum certificate to chapter
  3. The chapter will give the grant certificate to the provider
  4. The provider will submit the entire base and seating system order to the manufacturer as they normally would and then provide the chapter with the invoice
  5. The Chapter is to then collect invoice from the provider and is responsible for sending the invoice to zmalick@alsa-national.org
  6. Once the invoice is received, the national office will facilitate payment to the provider from the grant provided by Quantum
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