2024 DC Walk Survey


User Response

10/17/2024  User Provided No Response
10/17/2024  Yes I was well prepared for Walk Day, I was able to do it in my home town.
10/17/2024  Yes. No rain to prepare for this year.
10/17/2024  Yes, Tara did an AMAZING job setting everything up!
10/19/2024  yes! although it's profoundly sad - i lost my brother to als in feb 2017 (he was 75 yrs old) and i lost my best friend of 50 years to als in june 2017 (she was 67 yrs old), i am prepared - wanting to do this walk each year, for so many reasons...
10/17/2024  User Provided No Response
10/17/2024  Pretty well prepared
10/17/2024  Yes. I knew exactly where to go because the signage was excellent. I loved all of the booths that were set up especially the one where we could write on a "key" the name of the person with ALS.
10/17/2024  Yes
10/17/2024  Yes. I think staff prepared us very well for what to expect.
10/17/2024  Yes - our coordinator - Tara - was excellent in preparing us for the day
10/17/2024  User Provided No Response
10/17/2024  It was very easy to participate and understand how the Walk Day was going to happen.