Welcome to the CSC Ice Bucket Challenge!

The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge has swept the world raising $94.3 million in less than a month!!!  Our own Laura Reagin has issued a challenge to our Management Team and we’d like to give everyone the opportunity to get involved for this great cause!

On Friday, September 12, we’re going to douse Linda, Gayle, Paul, Mark and Kim in front of our building with freezing cold water but we need people to do the dousing!  For everyone in the Center who donates to the ALS association, they will be entered into a raffle to be one of the bucket holders!  In addition, we are setting a Center wide goal to raise $500 by the end of next week.  If we reach that goal (average $5 per person), we’ll all wear jeans for the entire week (9/8-9/12)!!!



If you do not want to donate online, you can download an offline donation form by clicking here.

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