ALStars Mud Run


I know everyone is CRAZY busy, so here is a huge pre-warning to plan...

For the past couple of years I have had a dream to complete one of these, and finally have the time/drive to follow through and I am hoping you will join me for fun!

Sunday June 12th: MUD RUN!!!! :)


team name :




Most teams are paying registration fee then- donezo-...

We are better than that. We will be raising money for ALS research (no dumping ice on yourself, just getting dirty and having fun in AK summer!)

If you cannot attend to play in the dirt with us, I encourage you to check your balance and see if there is an extra $5 or more laying around to donate. If you cannot- inspirational words/prayers for those participating in the event, individuals with loved ones affected and those surviving this hideous and unfair disease are so more than welcome and will be shared with participants.

If you will be in town.. please join us. It will be amazingly fun!

Here is Nina on her soapbox for a min...

It pisses me off to no end that the last memory of my incredibly strong, smart and fierce grandmother is... what it is... no one that amazing should have that as the final impression that they leave on their kindergarten aged granddaughter. Pardon the verbiage-but you all know me... this disease is bull. and its bull that we don't have a better understanding of it yet and its bull there is no cure. lets help...somehow...

I really thank you all for reading this and even remotely considering joining. It is going to be so much fun (and I've heard a ton of you saying you want to get in better shape- here is your motivation, training for a mud run! :) )and those donating will know it is going to a good cause.

I know I don't have e-mail for everyone I should, so please (especially family), if you see someone not on this thread that should be-forward away please.

I love you all and thank you again for your time and consideration.

 Also, please bookmark this page if you're interested in keeping track of our progress as we approach the fundraising deadline. 

ALStars Mud Run - Join Team Raised
Nina Parrish $75.00
Team Gifts $400.00
Denotes a Team Captain
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