Welcome to Curran Annual Polar Plunge


Please consider joining us and/or donating to ALS.

There is currently no cure for ALS and we hope to play a small part in helping to change that. Every year, on January 1st, we will take the plunge into the icy Plymouth, Ma. waters to raise funds and bring awareness to the disease that took our father...David Curran.

We hope we can count on your support. We need caring people like you to sponsor our event.

Also, please bookmark this page if you're interested in keeping track of our progress as we approach January 1st.... fundraising deadline.

Give a little or give a lot...but please consider giving something. If you cannot give, consider taking the plunge with us and asking your friends and family to donate. Anything helps.

Contributions from our sponsors will:

Help support...
Raise awareness...

If you do not want to donate online, you can download an offline donation form by clicking here.

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