2018 One Dollar Difference NATIONAL OFFICE

F3 SouthWake Run To Defeat ALS - Wrightsville Beach Marathon Madness 2018

Join F3 Southwake as we support our brother CrabLegs and his fight against ALS. Many of us will be training over the next 16 weeks to run in the Wrightsville Beach Half and Full Marathon on March 17. On March 16 CrabLegs will run the 5K, and F3SouthWake will be there to support him! We will also use this time to bring awareness to ALS and raise money that will go towards a mission that we can all get behind - a world without ALS.

There is currently NO cure, and that is just unacceptable!

Funds raised will go towards:

Continuing the 150+ research projects looking into the causes of ALS in hopes of developing better treatments
Supporting patient services clinics, support groups, equipment lending, and transportation
Leading the way in helping to ensure the ALS community has proper access to care

We need to do everything we can to find a treatment and a cure. Together, let's make a difference - one dollar at a time!

Join us right now by selecting 'Join as a Fundraiser'

or choose 'Donate' to help us reach our goal!

Keep fighting CrabLegs!

Thank you!

F3 SouthWake




F3 SouthWake Run To Defeat ALS - Wrightsville Beach Marathon Madness 2018 - Join Team Raised
Jason deFreitas $1,025.00
Team Gifts $6,150.65
Denotes a Team Captain
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