Welcome to Olivia's ALS Half-Marathon Fundraiser Page!

What is Olivia's ALS Half-Marathon Fundraiser?  

Back in December, a good friend and I decided to put our running shoes on and train for the Pittsburgh Half-Marathon. As we began training, we talked about giving back to our community and how we could do so through running. I chose the ALS Association because of my strong ties to this disease.  

Why am I walking/riding/running?  

I'm running because I lost someone to ALS. MY grandmother passed away in January of 2010 and my family and I saw how this disease invades all aspects of someone's life and well-being. It is an ugly, degenerative disease that NEEDS a cure. 

Why join/support me or my event?  

Every dollar helps. It might sound cliche, but it does. From medical bills to miscelaneous expenses, it adds up and families need help in supporting their loved one until a cure is found. A cure IS the goal. Until that day comes, each dollar will be put to someone with ALS and research to finding a cure. As someone who has been affected by ALS, finding a cure means a lot to me. I would not wish for anyone to ever have to deal with ALS. Help me find a cure so others can get help until a cure is found. 

I hope I can count on your support.  We need caring people like you to sponsor my participation in the run!

Also, please bookmark this page if you're interested in keeping track of my progress as we approach the May 4th fundraising deadline.  We encourage you to browse the rest of this website so you can learn more about ALS and finding a cure. 

Bottom Line: Help me raise money for the ALS Association while I run the Pittsburgh Half-Marathon. I will be forever thankful for all donations (small and large) because every dollar does make a difference. 

If you do not want to donate online, you can download an offline donation form by clicking here.

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