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Welcome to the 10th Annual Ron Turney 100x100 Cure ALS Swim Challenge!
Thank you for helping me raise crucial funds to defeat ALS! The ALS Association’s goal is to make ALS livable for everyone, everywhere, until it is cured.
My father, Tom Perman, passed away 10 years ago from ALS, Lou Gehrigs disease. My heart broke forever when he lost his battle to this awful disease, he was the best to his family and grandchildren. He is sadly missed and I want to honor him and my friend Ron, who also passed away from the disease.
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a progressive, fatal neuromuscular disease that slowly robs the body of its ability to walk, speak, swallow, and breathe. There is currently no cure.
That is why I started this fundraiser. Your support will allow The ALS Association to continue leading the fight against ALS in research, advocacy, and care services nationwide.
Will you donate today and swim 100x100 yds to help defeat ALS?
Ron once taught us to #dothenextthing when we are faced with adversity. Let's do the next thing and start 2024 off with a great swim!
Here are the details:
1. The event will be held from 7:30 AM - 12PM on Sunday, January 14, 2024 at the Hubbard Community Pool. If you're not able to swim with us that day, you can still participate! Just pick your favorite pool and time from wherever you are and post your activity here!
2. Swim any distance you want! It can be as simple as 500 yds or as advanced at 10,000 yds. It doesn't matter how MUCH you swim, as long as you swim with HEART for those struggling with ALS!
3. Post a photo in this Ron Turney Swim Challenge Group in FB here https://www.facebook.com/groups/1630275687234884/! You can post on your social media too if you'd like! It can be a photo of you and Ron, a photo of you swimming, a Strava screen shot, or your watch with swim data. Please include hashtags #captronswimchallenge and #dothenextthing.
4. Donations can be made to "The ALS Association Northern Ohio Chapter" and be contributed at the event, online, or to the address below in memory of Ron Turney.
Online: **
The ALS Association Northern Ohio Chapter
6133 Rockside Road
Independence, OH 44131
** There is an option to send an E-Card to his family if you'd like:
Robyn Gordon (wife): robynsagency5@gmail.com
Ryan Turney (son): turneyeryan@gmail.com
For those who didn't know Ron, he was an active in our local endurance community and had offered many swimming tips and encouragement to many of us throughout the years as a fellow member. He passed away four years ago from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis(ALS). He is missed, but we are committed to his mission of helping find a cure for ALS and to help those who are battling this disease.
Ron looked forward to this event every year. We hope you can join us, help, encourage others to join in, or donate!
Follow events, happenings, updates, and links at this FB page "Ron Turney Cure ALS 100x100 Swim Challenge." You can also contact Greg Sines or Amy Javens for any additional info.
Thanks everyone for your past and future support!
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