Founders Fund Honoring Carl and Merilyn Moore
Established by Gail Gervin
Evergreen Chapter

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    Do you recall what you were doing in January 1994?  Carl Moore and his wife, Merilyn, vividly remember a very good clinical diagnostician referring Carl to Virginia Mason who was leading a drug study in the Neurology Department at that time.  It wasn’t until Carl arrived to participate in the drug study, with Merilyn by his side, that a nurse mentioned ALS. They immediately went to the bookstore to find out whatever they could about ALS. Likewise, other patients with ALS have experienced physicians reluctant to tell them that they have ALS. But very few have outlived the typical 3 to 5 year life expectancy after diagnosis. Carl has lived with ALS for almost 27 years. This is the first remarkable thing to know about this couple!

    The second thing to know about Carl and Merilyn is how they turned this devastating news around to eventually create and lead a support group for PALS (Patients with ALS) and their family members, plus a second support group for Caregivers.  Twice a month, times twelve months a year, times twenty-six years is more than 600 support groups that they have led since 1995. Their commitment to helping others live with ALS is remarkable, especially since they are dealing with all the challenges of ALS themselves.

    Carl and Merilyn spearheaded the creation of the Evergreen Chapter (EC) of the ALS Association. You may think of them as the “Founders” of this remarkable Chapter.  They did what it takes to “become a Chapter within a national Association.” Including all the legal filings, handling administrative tasks (by themselves or with the assistance of others), calling upon family and friends to help collect and store medical equipment to loan PALS, attempted fundraising and a host of other tasks.   

    Another remarkable fact is Merilyn’s service on the EC Board of Directors for over twenty years. A commitment beyond belief, in service to others. Ask yourself, have you done any service, uninterrupted, for twenty years?

    Surely, now is the time to recognize Carl and Merilyn for their tireless commitment to help others.  A Community of Hope webpage has just been established to honor them. You can show your gratitude for all their work by contributing to the “Founders Fund of the EC of the ALS Association, honoring Carl and Merilyn Moore.” You can donate to this fund in honor of this couple and the amazing work they've done. 

    To see an interview with Carl and Merilyn about establishing support groups and the creation of the EC of the ALS Association click here.

    We need to let people with ALS know they are not alone.  ALS affects more than nerve cells and muscles, it affects families, friends, co-workers, and communities. 

    With no known cause or cure, ALS challenges the human spirit and tests the courage of everyone touched by this devastating disease.

    However, we can work together to create a Community of Hope that restores dreams and builds courage.  Our community gives strength and hope to our loved ones, neighbors, and friends facing the fear and uncertainty of ALS.

    Your gifts will make this possible.  Please click the donation button to the right and give generously.

    Thank you for helping us build a Community of Hope!

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