Make A Change
Established by Caitlin Ouellette
John R. Trubiano (aka "Papa")

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    There is no known cause or cure for ALS, more commonly known as "Lou Gerig's disease". It's been 75 years since Lou Gerig was diagnosed... it's time to make a change. If you can spare some change, please consider making a donation to put us one step futher towards finding a cure for ALS. 

    This fund is in memory and honor of "Papa", John R. Trubiano. 


    Prefer to make a donation by check? Print and submit this form with your gift.


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    Dollars Raised
    Goal: $20,000
    Donor Honor Roll
    My Badges
    TeamRaiser Achievement Badge
    Fund Trailblazer
    I'm paving the way to create a world without ALS by making a gift to my tribute fund
    Fundraising Star
    Fundraising Star
    I have received five or more contributions to my tribute fund. Thank you for your support!