Joann Cantin
Established by Suzie Cantin



    This page is in memory of my Mother, Joann Cantin, who lost her battle with ALS in 1995. She was a wonderful, kind hearted person, who served her community for over 20 years as a nurse at Children's Hospital. 

    This page is to honor her memory and do the opposite of the disease: to be active instead of still, to strengthen instead of weaken, to foster compassion and community instead of fear and isolation.

    We need to let people with ALS know they are not alone.  ALS affects more than nerve cells and muscles, it affects families, friends, co-workers, and communities. 

    With no known cause or cure, ALS challenges the human spirit and tests the courage of everyone touched by this devastating disease.

    However, we can work together to create a Community of Hope that restores dreams and builds courage.  Our community gives strength and hope to our loved ones, neighbors, and friends facing the fear and uncertainty of ALS.

    Your gifts will make this possible.  Please click the donation button to the right and give generously.

    Thank you for helping us build a Community of Hope!

    Prefer to make a donation by check? Print and submit this form with your gift.

    My Blog



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