The Long Walk Home for Rita
Established by John Scarbrough
Rita in Hawaii 2015

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    The special ALS contribution page for Rita is still open to make donations. We are so close to our goal. Please help if you can, others are struggling with this disease and need your help!!

    Use this link to make your $ count toward our team goal:

    Thank you for helping me reach and hopefully exceed my Walk to Defeat ALS(R) fundraising goal! This is an exciting opportunity for us to work together to support those affected by Lou Gehrig's Disease and to spread awareness of the urgency to find treatments and a cure.

    A reminder of why We need your help

    Every 90 minutes a person in this country is diagnosed with ALS and every 90 minutes another person will lose their battle against this disease. ALS occurs throughout the world with no racial, ethnic, or socioeconomic boundaries.

    This crippling disease can strike anyone. Presently there is no known cause of the disease though support is bringing researchers closer to an answer. In the mean time it costs an average of $200,000 a year to provide the care ALS patients need. Help make a difference and donate or join a walk today.

    Prefer to make a donation by check? Print and submit this form with your gift.


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    Dollars Raised
    Goal: $10,000
    Donor Honor Roll
    My Badges
    TeamRaiser Achievement Badge
    Fund Trailblazer
    I'm paving the way to create a world without ALS by making a gift to my tribute fund
    Email Pro
    Email Pro
    Sending emails has been a useful way for me to help spread the word about my Community of Hope fund.
    Fundraising Star
    Fundraising Star
    I have received five or more contributions to my tribute fund. Thank you for your support!