David Witherspoon
Established by Sarah Greener
National Office

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    As you may know, William David Witherspoon our mentor, our boss, our friend was diagnosed with ALS in November of 2014. In addition to the Ice Bucket Challenge, the Enogen team and friends are raising funds to donate in honor of David and we would like you to do the same.  

    Here is a video created in honor of David: 

    Here is the video of the Ice Bucket Challenge with the Enogen team & Friends
    Here is the slideshow of the Ice Bucket Challenge with the Enogen team & Friends
    1. People are still getting diagnosed with ALS. Now, more than ever, those suffering with this devastating disease need our help. The money you donate not only funds cutting-edge research, but it also provides critical programs for families affected by ALS. Did you know that it can cost up to $200,000 per year to live with ALS?

    2. Every donation is spent incredibly efficiently to maximize the impact on the fight against ALS. 91% of the money you donate goes directly to fund research and patient programs. That’s an impressive percentage compared to other charitable organizations. Really. Check it out!

    3. Still not feeling inspired? Then, we want to tell you exactly how ALS affects its victims. The motor neurons in a person's brain and spinal cord waste away. When the motor neurons die, the muscles become paralyzed. Gradually, a person is robbed of the ability to walk, speak, eat, and eventually breathe. All the while, the mind remains sharp and aware of the total paralysis that is quickly setting in. Upon diagnosis, doctors give ALS patients only two to five years to live. Research funded by The ALS Association continues to make great strides in helping scientists understand more about ALS, but there is still no known cure for this always-fatal disease. We must do more to help those suffering.


    We are asking for your financial support in our quest to raise funds for The ALS Association.

    No amount is too small. Every dime makes a difference.


    The Enogen Team & Friends

    P.S. If you would like to do an Ice Bucket Challenge, please capture on video and send to sarah.kulisky@syngenta.com  

    P.S.S.  Please forward this to as many people as possible. We need more people to support the fight against this awful disease.



    Prefer to make a donation by check? Print and submit this form with your gift.


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    Dollars Raised
    Goal: $15,000
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    I'm paving the way to create a world without ALS by making a gift to my tribute fund
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    Sending emails has been a useful way for me to help spread the word about my Community of Hope fund.
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