Roger English
Established by Jim Spence
National Office

    I set up this WEB site for two reasons: (1) to remember my friend, Roger English, who was diagnosed with primary lateral sclerosis (PLS) in 1989, and died in January, 2015, (2) to invite and facilitate contributions to the ALS Association with the hope that our concerted efforts will accelerate the discovery of a cure for, and/or the prevention of, the motor neuron diseases.

    Roger's story is one of triumph over extreme adversity and hardship. Throughout his 25-year struggle with PLS, he progressively lost the majority of his motor skills. Following his diagnosis in 1989, Roger's family turned to various forms of adaptive equipment. As he gradually lost his ability to walk, he began using a cane, then a walker, and finally a motorized wheelchair. As his speech deteriorated, family and friends who were able to understand his words helped him to carry on conversations. When he lost his voice completely, he turned to a voice augmentation device attached to a computer. In later years, he was forced to use a clear letter-template, and with help from someone who could follow his eyes, he could spell words in this fashion.

    I also want to mention that Roger had a great group of friends in Charlotte, NC, who, for many years, would come to his house in the morning to help him start the day, and in the evening to help him end the day. And, of course, his wife, Dianne, was a constant inspiration and facilitator to Roger.

    Those who knew Roger will never forget his courage, his patience, and his unbending determination to maintain the ability to communicate with family and friends despite his severe handicap. Please join our efforts to help bring an end to these terrible diseases.

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    Goal: $25,000
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