Linden Leaf Lion ALS Research Fund
Established by Janko Mitric
National Office

    In November 2016, our family received the very difficult news that our dad has the terminal illness amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Commonly called Lou Gehrig's disease, ALS has no cure and only limited treatment options to slow the disease down.

    ALS is a deadly degenerative illness with no known cause. It affects the motor neurons in a person's brain and spinal cord. When the motor neurons die, the muscles waste away. Gradually, a person is robbed of the ability to move, speak, eat, and eventually breathe. Usually, those living with ALS succumb to the disease within two to five years of diagnosis. Learn more about ALS here:

    Since the time of his diagnosis, we, along with many friends all over the world, have been pulling together to support our dad, get him the medical care he needs, and help him adapt as the symptoms from ALS kick in. 

    ALS affects more than nerve cells and muscles—it affects families, friends, co-workers, and communities. With no known cause or cure, ALS tests the strength and challenges the spirit of everyone touched by this devastating disease.

    While we battle this disease together, we also want to take our collective grief and concern and channel it towards helping raise money for research, so that one day soon experts can find a cure for ALS (or at least develop new drugs that significantly slow its progression). By fundraising to support such research, we aim to give courage and hope to all who face the fear and uncertainty of ALS every day. Your tax-deductible donation will make this possible.

    Please click the donation button to the right and give whatever you can to help us reach our goal of $10,000. Donations of any size—whether $5, $500, or anywhere in between—are welcome.

    The money raised will go toward research to benefit everyone with ALS.

    Thank you for your support!


    The Mitric Family

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    Dollars Raised
    Goal: $10,000
    Donor Honor Roll
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    TeamRaiser Achievement Badge
    Fund Trailblazer
    I'm paving the way to create a world without ALS by making a gift to my tribute fund
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    Fundraising Star
    I have received five or more contributions to my tribute fund. Thank you for your support!