Pauls PALS
Established by Ethan LaRochelle
Northern New England

    During the Fall of 2017 Paul was diagnosed with bulbar onset ALS, a particularly aggressive form of motor neuron disease. His symptoms started 6 months previous with a tingling in his mouth, and by summer he was experiencing some leg weakness. Doctors initially thought these symptoms were side-effects from medication or a less-severe neurologic disorder. By the time he was finally diagnosed, his symptoms were progressing rapidly with noticeable changes nearly every week.

    Even in the face of these setbacks Paul always remained hopeful. He participated in multiple studies at Dartmouth Hitchcock, and agreed to donate himself to science after his passing. While Paul may have never fully accepted the severity of this horrible disease, he knew he could help others. Through his donations, Paul continued to remain optimistic that his disease could bring hope to others, and that one day scientists will be able to find the cause and a cure for ALS. Until that day comes, I encourage you all to remember Paul’s story.

    We need to let people with ALS know they are not alone. ALS affects more than nerve cells and muscles, it affects families, friends, co-workers, and communities. After Paul’s diagnosis, his wife Sue worked tirelessly to get him the services he needed. Whether it was finding adaptive equipment, help bathing, driving to and from study appointments, applying for disability or any of the other tasks associated with a debilitating disability, Sue was on top of it. Unfortunately, the stress of doing all this while trying to maintain a job got the better of her, and 3 months after Paul’s diagnosis Sue passed away from a heart attack while at work. In those last 3 months Sue found hope in her relationship with the Maine coordinator from the ALS association. Sue was always relieved after getting some assistance from the ALSA, whether it was some loaned adaptive equipment, or just someone to talk to who understood the challenges.

    With no known cause or cure, ALS challenges the human spirit and tests the courage of everyone touched by this devastating disease. However, we can work together to create a Community of Hope that restores dreams and builds courage. Our community gives strength and hope to our loved ones, neighbors, and friends facing the fear and uncertainty of ALS.

    Your gifts will make this possible. Please click the donation button to the right and give generously.

    Thank you for helping us build a Community of Hope!

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    Goal: $1,000
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