Larry Tyler Caregiver Fund
Established by Teri Eddy
St. Louis
Smiling Eyes

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    My father, Larry Tyler, was diagnosed with ALS on December 4, 2014. He was amazing man - a friend, a coach, a loving husband, father, and grandparent, a successful businessman who traveled the world. And despite what ALS had taken from him, he managed to keep his sense of humor and faith, and displayed an unbelievable ability to turn lemons into lemonade. He taught us all something about perseverance and determination.

    In the later stages of the disease, my dad was dependent on others for nearly all aspects of his daily care. It took a toll on us and was something that we kept hidden, and even denied to ourselves. Our health deteriorated. We became exhausted and weakened from lack of rest. My mother was tasked to carry heavy items, bend deeply to dress my father, position his legs and arms in bed, help him on and off the commode and into the shower, and attend to so many other day-to-day tasks that we take for granted. She eventually succumbed to caregiver burnout, suffering from a debilitating injury that caused a 10-day hospitalization (ironically she stayed just five doors down from my father) and in the final days of my dad’s life, developing bleeding ulcers from the stress.

    Despite all of this, our family would never trade the experience. We were honored to care for dad. But the truth is, we needed more help. The ALS Association was able to provide a respite grant to my parents, but it only provided 3 hours of care a week. Fortunately, we were able to privately fund additional daily help for my mother, something many families with ALS simply can’t do because of the prohibitive costs. You see, the equipment, hospital care, nutrition, and adaptive clothing can topple families emotionally, physically and financially.

    The ALS Association needs more funds to offer families these life-altering respite care grants. These grants allow a professional caregiver to come in and assist a family with patient care so they can attend to other duties - kid activities, grocery shopping, even a much needed nap. The St. Louis Chapter couples this care with a case manager who visits on a regular basis, ensuring that equipment is being used effectively, answering ongoing questions about machines and their operation, and checking to ensure they are operating properly.

    Respite care services are expensive - they can range from $40-$60/hr. With your help, we are hoping to raise $60,000 to create the Larry Tyler Caregiver Fund, which would allow approximately 60 families a $1,000 grant. If we can surpass this goal, we will, and families will be offered more support. My dad knew how important this effort was and would be so proud of all of our efforts to fill this fund in his name so that other families may be eased in their battle against ALS.

    I ask you to consider joining in our fight against ALS and supporting this important project. You are the difference in making the Larry Tyler Caregiver Fund come to life. Please click the donation button to the right and give generously. Thank you for your love, support and partnership in creating a world without ALS.

    Prefer to make a donation by check? Print and submit this form with your gift.

    My Blog


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    by Teri Eddy on Sat, Mar 04, 2017 @ 10:50 AM

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