Team Strong #WeGotNow
Established by Erica Cohen
Greater San Diego
Team Strong #WeGotNow

    Through Jackson's eyes, John's son:

    My Dad was told by doctors on December 29, 2019 that he had ALS.

    I was told that he had been diagnosed and not a minute has gone by where I don't think about what that means for him, our family, and our future. My Dad has been my favorite person for as long as I can remember. He taught me how to shoot a basketball, how to drive, how to shave, how to grill, how to tie a tie... and so many more things that seem small at the time, but actually mean the most. He has been my guy for my entire life. I remember every basketball game of mine that he attended, from the days when he coached my rec team in middle school to my senior year of college. The memories that we have together are ones that I will cherish forever. He has been the best Dad I could ever ask for and an even better best friend. People tell us all the time that we are exactly alike and I'm proud to hear them say that. I get my personality, my habits, my sense of humor, the things that I like, all from him. He loves what he does every day and wakes up passionate about life. From his job, to his workouts, and being with his loved ones. He's going to continue to live and enjoy that life that he loves for as long as he can.

    Through Katie's eyes, John's Daughter:

    Throughout life there are no constants; only peaks and valleys, this year was filled with many great things and the toughest thing we have seen yet, as we dealt with the diagnosis of ALS with our dad. I tell everyone my dad is my "biggest fan". He taught me how to do little things like drive and play ball. We would do yard work on the weekends, he did all the digging and I played in the dirt. Looking back, he has planted a lot of roots in my life that grow everyday. He has helped me to see the important things, like being grounded and working hard. He is there to listen and to advise on the best days and the tougher ones. He has motivated Jackson and I to chase our dreams and has been cheering in the stands every step of the way. It is now our turn to cheer him on. As he and our family fight this brutal battle of ALS he remains so positive. He wants to continue to do the things he loves and focus on the good as he believes #WeGotNow. Oftentimes the present is overlooked and time is taken for granted. In a situation that lacks positives, this gives us all a chance to look around - and quite literally not take any second for granted. I am so proud of him and what he continues to do each day. He has inspired us and will continue to do so.

    About a year ago, John, a health enthusiast and former college basketball player started experiencing physical challenges that raised concerns for himself and his family. He went down the road of every possible orthopedic issue that could be causing him pain and difficulty. After consultation with many medical specialists and after ruling out all other possible diagnoses, it was determined that he had ALS (Lou Gehrig's Disease). ALS is a degenerative disease that worsens muscles and decreases them in size. It eventually causes the person to lose the ability to use their hands, walk, speak, swallow, and breathe. There is currently no cure. The diagnosis has been hard to get our arms around considering John's lifelong commitment to physical well-being and immaculate health history. ALS knows no boundaries and has no criteria to whom it effects. As shocking as this was to our family and friends, it could happen to anyone. ALS not only affects nerves, cells, and muscles, but also affects families, friends, co-workers, and communities.

    If there has been a silver lining to our Dad's diagnosis it would have to be the outpouring of friends, family and community that have all been there and continue to be there for each of us each day. We are fortunate to be registered with the ALS chapter of San Diego. This is a non-profit organization that is in place to help find a cure and to make the lives better of those affected by ALS. If you or someone you know is diagnosed with ALS, you are not alone. We are all in this fight together. May is ALS awareness month and we are hoping to do our part to help raise money to find a cure and to enhance the lives of those affected by this terrible disease. Any donation would be appreciated. The donation button to the right will help numerous families in the fight against ALS! Thank you. #WeGotNow


    Team Strong

    Helene, Katie, Jackson, Erica and Madison

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    Dollars Raised
    Goal: $5,000
    Donor Honor Roll
    My Badges
    TeamRaiser Achievement Badge
    Fund Trailblazer
    I'm paving the way to create a world without ALS by making a gift to my tribute fund
    Fundraising Star
    Fundraising Star
    I have received five or more contributions to my tribute fund. Thank you for your support!