13 years ago, Mike Ginther, my husband, passed after being diagnosed with ALS. Mike’s goal was to fight for a cure for this neuromuscular disease that slowly robs the body of its ability to walk, speak, swallow, kiss a loved one, and so very importantly BREATHE!
That’s why I’m walking:
to continue his battle to find a cure, to bring hope to those living with this horrendous disease and to ensure no person or family has to hear the words:
“You Have ALS”!
The past two years have brought incredible advancements in ALS research, expanded access to care for people living with ALS, and enabled legislation that impacts the quality of life of people with ALS and their families.
But, we can’t stop now. The key to a cure begins with you and me!
Please consider walking with me or sponsoring me. With your help, we will be able to make a difference in the lives of people affected by this disease and continue Mike’s goal to find a cure!
From the license plate on Mike’s red corvette-“Sizzln’” Out ALS!!!
Thank you for your donation and your support, it means more than you will ever know!
Make TIME for what matters to YOU,
Cathy Ginther