FR ID: 16232
PX: 7473806
TR ID: 16232
P-type: Walk Participant
Personal - Team ID: 416169
Personal - Team Name: The Mountineers
Personal - Facebook Fundraiser: not achiever
Personal - Fundraising Goal: 120
Personal - Fundraising Goal - Test: 0
Personal - Fundraising Goal - Test 2: 300px
Personal - Fundraising Goal - Test 3: 120
Personal - Company Name - Test 1:
Personal - S19: Anne Fellin
Team - Team Name: The Mountineers
Team - Company Name:
Team - Company ID:
Company - Company ID (S334):
Company - Company Name:
Company - Company ID:
Company - Raised: $13,236.87
Company List:
Personal Donate URL:
Company - Company ID (S80):
S86 - True: Bw_fJalSSP5GZVwqNW2JvWNz5c3s1y29yxwaK8ukIizIjxNomxgnI5BMC3btetBrUf267NDRfNCQogpeDwnAkTKBWj5zLEOm5BIs9AU
Donor Name: dc:donorName
Email: dc:email
Gift Amount: Gift Amount
Tracking Code: Tracking Code
Posted Code (S80):
Donation Form Name: dc:donationFormName
Donation Form ID: 42593
Self-Donor 0: TRUE
Self-Donor + PX: