Become a Volunteer
Volunteers make this Team Challenge ALS even possible. From event planning to post-event breakdown, The ALS Association depends on people donating their time and talents in order to produce successful events that raise awareness and fund the mission.
Positions available:
Office Assistance
Location: Office
Duties: making calls, preparing packets, data entry, general office duties
Regional Ambassador
Location: Work remotely from home
Duties: Contacting local groups and clubs, distributing brochures, generally, getting the word out in your community
Day Before Event
Multiple Positions
Location: TBD
Duties: Site Set-up – hanging banners, positioning tables and chairs
Event Day
Multiple Position
Location: TBD
Positions Available: Safety Team, SAG Team, parking, check-in, set-up, bike lock-up, cheering section, photography, videography, and break-down
After the Event
Office Assistance
Location: The ALS Association Office or working remotely from home
Duties: making calls, data entry, general office duties
Awards Ceremony
Location & Date TBA
Duties: set-up, greeting guests, photography, videography, break-down