1. Sign up to be an ALS Advocate - Click here to join forces and see what our current advocacy priorities are!

2. Spread awareness on social networks Are you a Facebook user? How about Twitter or Instagram? Start integrating posts about your fundraising and training and you never know who you will reach and inspire. You also never know who of your “digital” friends might have a connection to ALS. Post often for best results. Use #DashOutALS

3. Investigate Matching Gifts – Many companies have matching gift programs for their employees.  Look into your company’s plan, and encourage donors to ask their companies too! Here’s how.

4. Update your Personal Page – Each participant has their very own webpage to show friends and family about their participation in the ALS SuperHero Dash. By personalizing this page with your own photos, videos, and story, you will inspire and motivate your donors to give and give more. 

5. Set your goal high – The higher your set your goal, the more motivated your donors will be to support you at a higher level. If you meet your goal, raise it again and watch the donations continue to pour in

6.Self-DonateBe the first to support your fundraising efforts, and you will set a great example for all of your future donors. Donate here on your personal page.

7. Learn about ALS – Click here to learn more about ALS. What is it? Who gets it? What are the stages and symptoms? What is the history of ALS? Use this knowledge to educate yourself, and spread awareness.

8. Plan a Fundraising Event – Host a poker night. Plan a bake sale. Work with your local watering hole to hold a party and have them donate a certain percentage of sales to your fundraising. There are countless fun events to plan, and they can be as easy or complex as you choose. Here are several fun ideas!

9. Follow Up – It takes up to 6 reminders to get someone to finally donate, so don’t forget to follow up with your forgetful friends.

10. Thank Donors Often – Be sure to thank your donors shortly after they donate and in thoughtful ways.  Maybe a quick email is a good solution right away, but printing out thank you cards with a special photo from Race Day is a fun and creative way to let donors know how their contribution supported an important cause.

Bonus - Connect with the SuperHero Dash Manager, John Cronin. He'd be happy to provide personalized fundraising guidance over coffee or happy hour! Email him at john.cronin@als.org.



  • All cash donations are fully tax-deductible.
  • Credit card donations are accepted on VISA, Mastercard, Discover, and American Express.
  • Each participant assumes responsibility for donation collection.
  • The ALS Association will send a thank you acknowledgement/tax receipt to each donor as long as there is a full name and current mailing address.
  • For donors giving on-line, an immediate thank you is sent via e-mail.