2024 Move to Cure ALS - Victoria

Sylvia's Sparks

My much loved Mom Sylvia Kuzyk Walsh was diagnosed with ALS in 2022 and  lived with great bravery, dignity and spark until her death on April 7th 2023.  Those who knew her remember her energy and love for life and nature, so I thought creating a team called 'Sylvia's Sparks' made sense. Join the team and walk with me in Victoria June 8th, and/or make a donation.

The Move to Cure ALS is the signature fundraising event for the ALS Society of British Columbia. The fun, family-friendly events unite people to celebrate hope for a future without ALS, honour those we have loved and lost, and support the people and their families living with the disease by "Moving" together towards a cure for ALS, whether walking, running, rolling, supporting or being present virtually or in person.

All funds raised stay in BC and the Yukon to support people living with ALS, patient care and ALS research through PROJECT HOPE. Our goal is to end ALS through a world-class ALS Centre at The University of British Columbia. 100% of net proceeds to the ALS Society of British Columbia will remain in BC to support patient services programs (60%) and research (40%) through PROJECT HOPE.

Thank you for joining me in supporting the ALS Society of British Columbia.


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