Furry Wishes

Help out our animals with the simple click of your mouse. When you select an item from our Furry Wishes, you are making a donation that goes toward purchasing much-needed supplies for our furry friends. 100% of your gift goes to purchasing items for the shelter, such as toys, treats and canned food for medicine meatballs. So pick out a few items and send our pets some love. They won’t forget it!

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Many breaks need orthopedic surgery to realign and repair the bone. Metal plates are needed to keep the bone in place and stable. $195 will purchase one plate and screws for one orthopedic surgery.
Help us mend broken legs with splints, gauze and padding. From cats to dogs and large to small, these supplies are of upmost importance for proper care. $4.95 will purchase these three items for one day.
AHS uses 138,110 syringes and needles a year to dispense vaccinations, medicine and draw blood. That is 136 a day! $15 will purchase needles for one day.
Travel can be stressful for our feline friends. Top-Loading kennels keep our kitties at ease when traveling from location to location. $50 will purchase one top-loading cat transport kennel.
These coolers will be able to cool or warm fluids depending on the time of the year. This will improve care of the animals we give IV or IM fluids to in the field and quickly cool overheated animals in the summer. $75 will purchase a cooler for 1 EAMT truck.
Wrap it up! Vet wrap is used when splinting broken bones and covering wounds. $2.95 will purchase vet wrap for one day.
BiosynTM monofilament absorbable sutures have the tensile strength needed for the critical wound healing period of about three weeks. $4 will purchase one pack of sutures.
Kennel enrichment for shelter cats is a critical aspect for both their mental and physical health. One of the most basic of cat behaviors is stretching and scratching. Stretch n Scratch pads fill this vital void, giving cats an ideal surface on which to dig in, providing traction for stretching, and give for scratching. This simple stress relieving activity goes a long way to reducing cats' stress. We go through 150 boxes every Spring!
Everyone deserves a tasty treat once in a while, especially our lovable cats! Treat them with hard or soft cookies to keep them happy and healthy.
Help us keep things tidy with easy-to-clean, cat-friendly litter boxes. This high-quality litter box that can stand up to use over time.

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