Buzzards Bay Swim Schedule and Directions
The 31st annual Buzzards Bay Swim will take place on Saturday, June 22, 2024. Use the maps below to find directions to the start line and finish line, as well as start times and parking/shuttle information.
Start Line
The Buzzards Bay Swim start line is located at the beach at Cisco Brewers Kitchen & Bar at 1482 East Rodney French Blvd., New Bedford.
5:45am: Shuttle transportation to Start Line
Swimmers who want to leave their cars at the finish line can sign up for free shuttle transportation to the start line. Bus departs Fort Phoenix promptly at 5:45am. The bus cannot accommodate kayaks, so please arrange to drop off your kayak at the start line in advance. Reserve your free space on the shuttle when you register for the Swim.
5:30-6:55am: Check-In and Warm Up
1. Kayak Safety Inspection
(For escorted swimmers only) Kayakers must have their kayak inspected before their swimmer checks in.
Kayakers should unload their kayak at the sidewalk near the start line (look for "Kayak Drop-off" signs) and then immediately move their vehicle to the parking lot. Volunteers will show you where you can park. Then go to the Kayak Inspection table and meet the kayak inspectors there.
2. Check-In and Donation Drop-off
All swimmers must check in at one of the check-in tables along the side of the building.
If you have not reached your fundraising minimum ($300 for adults, $150 for youth), we will charge your credit card two weeks after the event. We will not charge you on the day of the Swim unless you choose that option. We will have a Fundraising table near check-in for all donations.
There will be no swimmer registration available the morning of the Swim.
3. Caps, Timing Chips, and Body Marking
Once you check in, you will receive a swim cap and timing chip. A volunteer will write your official swim number on your arm or hand in accordance with our body marking rules.
4. Warm Up
After checking in, swimmers are allowed to warm up in the water. Please enter the water using the warm-up chute at the south end of the beach. All swimmers must exit the water during the safety briefing, and further warm-up swimming is not permitted after the first start has departed the beach.
7:00am: Safety Briefing
During the safety briefing, we will share important information that all participants need to know to stay safe. All swimmers must exit the water during the safety briefing.
7:15-7:35am: Start
There are five separate starts. Starts 1-3 are for unescorted swimmers and starts 4-5 are for swimmers with kayak escorts. Check the posted signs at the start line to find out which start you are in based on your cap color.
- 7:15am — unescorted swimmers enter starting chute
- 7:20am — unescorted swimmers enter starting chute
- 7:25am — unescorted swimmers enter starting chute
- 7:30am — escorted swimmers enter starting chute
- 7:35am — escorted swimmers enter starting chute
Finish Line
The Buzzards Bay Swim finish line is located at Fort Phoenix Beach State Reservation at the end of Green Street in Fairhaven.
7:30-11:00am: Finish Line Celebration
At the finish line, there will be a pancake breakfast, live music, beer for swimmers, a table to pick up fundraising prizes, and Coalition merchandise for sale.
Swimmers and kayakers eat free. We suggest a donation of $5 for guests and spectators.
8:00-11:00am: Shuttle transportation to Start Line
We will have free shuttle transportation available for swimmers and kayakers who need to return to their cars at the start line. For safety reasons, we strongly encourage kayakers to take a shuttle back to get their vehicles. (Volunteers are available to wait with your kayak at the finish line.)
9:30am: Awards Ceremony
The fastest swimmers, fastest teams, and top fundraisers will receive awards during a beach ceremony.