I’m raising funds for Boston Medical Center because I believe that all people deserve the very best care.
Toy Drive!
We are collecting developmentally age appropriate toys during this holiday season and beyond for young children and hope you can help!
A large portion of our patient population of children at BMC often have no age appropriate toys and books during the holiday seasons and when they come to the clinic and are waiting for their appointments.
If you are interested in helping us make these developmentally age appropriate toys and books available during this Holiday season and beyond, as well as for a support staff to manage the toy drive please consider contributing by DONATING and/or by purchasing a toy from our gift list below:
BMC is a non-profit charitable organization 501(c) your donation is tax deductible. Our BMC tax ID is 04-331 4093.
With our help, Boston Medical Center is eliminating health disparities and ensuring patients have the care and support we all need for lasting good health.
Exceptional care at BMC is so much more than treating an illness. Its clinical programs and research initiatives that are driving long-term, sustainable wellness. BMC was the first hospital to establish a therapeutic food pantry, the first to offer free tax services to families living at or below the poverty line; these and so many other programs serve as lifelines for patients and rely on philanthropy to continue.