Candlelighters Fun Walk-2023

Team Zayne

WHEN: Saturday September 9th 

Registration starts at 8am and the walk begins at 9am

WHERE: Terry Hershey Park

Team Zayne is so excited to be walking for Candlelighters this year! 

Thank you for visiting my Fun Walk page! I would love for you to support me in my efforts for this amazing organization!

The Fun Walk raises money for Candlelighters services and programs which are offered FREE to children with cancer and their families.

Here's what Fun Walk donations will be used toward this year:

1. Hospital Parking Assistance – this remains our #1 request from families and we've moved our program to be provided digitally. As of January 1, 2023, hospital parking increased from $15 per day, to $19 day. Hospital Parking Costs are the top out-of-pocket expense a childhood cancer family will face.

2. Emotional Support – childhood cancer families are still restricted when it comes to gatherings, hospital visiting guidelines, school attendance and more so over the last year it’s become even more apparent just how important our peer-to-peer support efforts are. Our weekly support group meetings have grown, and our Parent Consultants are working around the clock to touch base and check-in with our families and their needs.

3. Gas Cards & Grocery Cards – with inflation at an all-time high, out-of-pocket costs are putting our childhood cancer families in extreme financial hardship. Support with gas, meals, and groceries are second to parking assistance in terms of what Candlelighters families currently need.

4. Memorial Funds - cancer doesn't stop. Children are still being diagnosed and unfortunately gaining their angel wings. Candlelighters provides financial assistance for families to hold memorial services for their children.

5. Camp CLIFF - we have held our annual family camp, Camp CLIFF virtually the past two years, providing a weekend full of fun for the whole family at home. We are excited to announce we will be back on for a full weekend camp in February of 2024, and preparation starts now! Donations will allow us to start planning all the magic camp has in store.

Whatever you can give, thank you for supporting me and for helping all the children with cancer and their families that Candlelighters serves!

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