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California CASA

Call your Senators and Representatives Today and Ask Them to Protect something something something.

Ask your Senators and Representative to preserve the lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque elit urna, iaculis nec malesuada in, placerat volutpat diam. Donec elementum, eros in ullamcorper vestibulum, nunc dolor aliquet magna, at pretium urna velit at tortor. In justo odio, aliquam ut tempor eu, faucibus vel lectus. Sed vehicula iaculis accumsan. Pellentesque tellus dui, egestas quis laoreet nec, volutpat ac orci. Curabitur bibendum massa erat, non consequat dolor. Cras porttitor ligula eu mi sagittis vel pretium massa interdum. Aenean at ante laoreet augue porttitor euismod ut at lectus. Nulla mattis orci at justo semper fermentum. Integer commodo eleifend sapien vel eleifend. Proin interdum, lectus ut auctor adipiscing, massa arcu convallis nibh, auctor cursus sapien justo ac magna.

Please call your lawmakers today! Thanks for your support.

To find your elected officials, please enter your ZIP Code. If you live in a split district, you may need to enter your full address.

ZIP Code:    
  • This is [NAME] of the [TOWN/COUNTY].
  • I am calling my [CONGRESSMAN/SENATOR] because the budget something something something. 
  • The budget deal permanently removes $1.5 billion from the Crime Victims Fund.
  • The Senate Commerce, Justice, Science (CJS) Appropriations bill would fully fund the CASA program at the $12 million authorized level within the Crime Victims Fund.
  • [If you apply for/receive VOCA:]  We also [RECEIVE/APPLY FOR] VOCA grant dollars through our state. Any reduction of VOCA dollars out of the Crime Victims Fund impacts the number of abused or neglected children CASA/GAL advocates can serve and this impacts the critical support we provide for child victims in the court system.
  • I am calling to urge [THE CONGRESSMAN/SENATOR] to question the wisdom of a budget deal which takes away dollars intended for victims of crime, including victims of child abuse and neglect.
  • We urge [HIM/HER] to demand that any cut to the Crime Victims Fund not reduce the VOCA dollars available through states, or to the CASA program. As the appropriations process moves forward, there should be enough in the Crime Victims Fund for both of these initiatives to serve crime victims, even with the $1.5 billion cut.
  • Thank you, and I look forward to hearing about the Congressman’s/Senator’s views on this matter.

*If you have any questions as you make calls to your lawmakers, please contact the 
California CASA Association at mshea@califorinacasa.org