Habitat for Humanity Chicago South Suburbs


Personal Fundraising Page
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Thank for becoming a Habitat Hero. For an Honorary or Memorial fund, the person to whom you are paying tribute is the Honoree. After you create your fundraiser, your page will be available immediately on this site. You can access the Fundraiser Center to customize your fundraising page, as well as send emails about your fundraiser to family and friends.

Create a Your Fundraising Page:



= Required Field


Fundraising Page Type determines the information you must supply for this fund. For an Honorary fund, you will be asked for the name and contact information of the Honoree. For a Memorial fund, you will be asked for the name of the fund Honoree plus the name and contact information of a Next of Kin representative of the Honoree. For a Personal fund, you will not be asked for Honoree or Next of Kin information.



The following image shows how the content elements are arranged on your default fund page. As you work with the sections below, the corresponding section in the image will highlight to indicate where that information will be located on the default fund page layout.


Your Fund Page: Your Fund Page:


This will be the title of your fundraising page. Using a descriptive label (such as the name of the fund Honoree) will help people find your fundraiser when they search for it. Note that you can edit this Name from the Fundraiser Center.




Your story is featured on your fund page. Telling a compelling story of why you are creating a fundraiser for Habitat for Humanity Chicago South Suburbs, and why people should support -you may help inspire people to donate. You can make changes or add more to this story later in the Fundraiser Center.




The picture you upload will display on your fundraising page to add a personal touch and may inspire people to support your efforts. You can change the image later in the Fundraiser Center. To add more pictures, visit your Fundraiser Center.


Upload a Picture for Your Fundraising Page:

1. Prepare your image.
Images must be .gif, .jpg, or .png files. Files with a .jpg or .png type will be automatically resized to fit in a 225 x 300 pixel space. The maximum acceptable file size is 1.5 Mb.

2. Select the file.
Enter the name of the file on your computer or use the Browse button to select the file.

If unable to access browse button, press enter key here to launch the browse dialog..

3. Click the upload image button.



The page description will display in search results along with the name of your page to help distinguish this fundraiser from another with similar names. You can enter small details about the Honoree (for example, city of residence, a nickname, or family name). You can edit this later in the Fundraiser Center.




A fundraising page that is private does not display in search results. Only those people to whom you send a link or know the URL of your page will be able to view your fund page if you mark it private.