Christel House has served 20,000+ students over our first 25 years - transforming the life outcomes of children experiencing poverty in India, Jamaica, Mexico, South Africa and the United States.
Your support can shape the future of Christel House students around the world.
Click to make a donor-advised fund grant recommendation to Christel House International.
If you would like to donate by phone, make a gift of stock or have other questions, please call Christel House International at 317-464-2030 or 1-866-424-5437.
You can also email us at
Christel House International, 2960 North Meridian Street, Suite 170, Indianapolis, IN 46208
Christel House International is a registered 501(c)(3) public charity number 35-205-1932. Christel House learning centers are registered not-for-profit entities in their local countries. The Christel House Registration number with the Florida Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services is SC 10875.
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