Share your memories of Christel House South Africa


Christel House South Africa is celebrating its 20-year anniversary this year, a significant milestone in our school’s history. We have had the pleasure of enjoying so many wonderful memories with staff, students, alumni, donors and friends since the school was established in 2001. We will be commemorating the occasion with a special video tribute to 20 years of Christel House SA - but we need your help.

Please share your favourite memories, images and videos of Christel House SA so we can include it in our commemorative video. From pictures and videos of our school when it was still located at Bamford Avenue, to attending our Special Assembly events or meeting our beloved founder, Christel DeHaan. You can also record a short video and tell us what some of your favourite memories are of the school. We will compile all of these special moments and premiere the video montage on Founders Day (20 October ‘21).