Celebrity Paws in the Park Walk For Animals: Team Teddy - Charleston Animal Society

Celebrity Paws in the Park Walk For Animals

Team Teddy

Teddy is hosting the Walk for Animals at Celebrity Paws in the Park to help homeless animals across our state of South Carolina. We’ve formed “Team Teddy” as part of the fundraising effort.Charleston Animal Society helps more than 20,000 animals each year who need homes or medical care. Many times these animals have been abused or abandoned.Teddy could not imagine an animal being treated cruelly – so he just knew he had to help.
Part of Teddy’s mission is to show that dogs are to be loved. And we want to help homeless animals across our state. Won’t you please consider donating to “Team Teddy” to help an animal in need? You can give any amount and it really helps. $25 will feed a litter of homeless puppies for a week and $35 will provide lifesaving vaccinations to help get an animal ready for adoption.

Please give what you can. You can help Teddy on his mission by following us at “AGuyandaGolden” on YouTube, Instagram or Facebook. 
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