Hello! My name is Annabelle Williamson. I'm a senior at Sumter High School, president of my school's Junior Civitan club, and Region 2 director. Outside of Junior Civitan I play in my school's Honors orchestra and I also write a lot in my spare time. I have been to All-In Summit a total of two times, and I had an absolute blast. I loved all the workshops, crafts, and activities we did and I would love one more chance to go before I graduate. However, I do need help raising enough money to go, and part of what I raise goes directly to the Civitan International Research Center. They are a Civitan sponsered center for intellectual disabilities. I've toured this facility before and talked to some of the people within, and I can truly say that their research is something phenomenal, and something that I'd like to help fund. If you're willing and able to donate to support me and the CIRC, I would be very thankful. Every penny is appreciated, thank you!
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