Welcome to My Personal Page
Hello, I'm Vanessa from Sumter High School! This is my first year in high school, as well as Junior Civitan. I joined Junior Civitan because I want to make an impact and help at least one person in the world, but until then, I spend my time doing what I can. Continuing off of my middle school leadership positions, I love being part of communities, which is why I am also in chorus and FBLA, and hope to soon be involved in student government and our school's Starfish Club too, which focuses on acts of kindness. Sometime in the near future, I hope to open a nonprofit with my friends that will help educate students to their fullest potential. I am a straight A Honors student and hope to take AP, IB, and dual enrollment once the opportunities are open. After high school, I want to attend a 4-year college and eventually get into medical school to be a pediatrician. All in all, I want to contribute to as much as I can.
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