***This event has been postponed.***
Continue to follow Civitan International on social media to be the first to know when the new date is announced!

Play It Foreward Bay Suggestions

  • Create team t-shirts ! You can also ask your members to wear Civitan colors, blue and yellow.
  • Be sure to mark your bay using streamers, balloons, or mission signs. You don’t want your walkers to get lost while participating in your event!
  • Play It Foreward is a great way to engage your current club members and recruit new ones! Here are a couple of ideas on how to best involve these members
  • Social Media- Be sure to utilize Facebook to promote your event to your friends, family, and neighbors. Younger club members who may not have time to help with planning the event can help with social media posts and promoting the event. Be sure to have all your members share these posts on their personal pages to reach the largest audience.
  • Local agencies- Invite local agencies you work within the community to participate in your bay. Getting their staff and residents involved is a great way to show them all the awesome things your club does and recruit new members!
  • Safety Precautions
    • Review the Civitan International Protection Guidebook for serving youth and vulnerable communities
