Walk Strong to Cure JM - Seattle

Gabe's Gang of Goofballs

Please consider joining our family for the 4th annual Walk Strong to Cure JM event as part of Gabe's Gang of Goofballs or by making a donation to the cause! The Cure JM foundation is the only organization soley dedicated to JM research. They are commited to raising awareness, supporting families, funding research and finding a cure! JM is a group of rare and life-threatening autoimmune diseases in which the body's immune system attacks it's own cells and tissues. Gabe was diagnosed with juvenile dermatomyositis at 2.5 years old. After discovering that his disease had progressed and his body was now attacking his muscles at 3.5 years old, we started a treatment consisting of daily steroids, weekly chemotherapy injections as well as a list of other medications/supplements to try to control his immune system and counteract the side-effects from the drugs he is on. Thankfully, he has now reached medical remission. We are so grateful that Gabe reached remission so quickly, but this will always be a part of his life, as it can flare again at any time. We also feel strongly about advancing the research of JM so that hopefully a cure will be found for all the kids that suffer with this diagnosis. Thank you for your support of Gabe and Cure JM as we fight this disease!

From the Cure JM Foundation:

I'm participating in Walk Strong to Cure JM. All proceeds benefit Cure JM Foundation, a non-profit dedicated to finding a cure for Juvenile Myositis, a life-threatening disease which causes the body’s own immune system to attack healthy cells and tissues. It can affect virtually any system of the body, the heart, lungs, skin, muscles, and more. And there is no cure....YET!

But with support from friends and family like you, we’re getting closer to better treatments and a cure.

With this continued great support from families and friends we were able to fund research at 20 prestigious research institutions, helping advance JM research at an unprecedented pace!

Your gift now will keep that momentum going. Every donation goes straight to Cure JM, and since inception over 90% of all funds raised go directly to research.

Join the team and fight against JM/JDM today!

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