2020 Walk Strong Across America - Dallas-Fort Worth

Chloe's Crew

We are pleased to announce we are participating in a new event, the Walk Strong Across America on July 4, 2020.

We invite you to show your support by making a gift and walking with us virtually wherever is safe on or before July 4th -- at home, in your yard, or neighborhood. Send us your photos or videos if you would like.

Like you, our family has been thrown for a loop this year.  Our thoughts are with everyone affected by COVID-19 -- which in reality, is all of us.

The COVID-19 crisis has shown us that now more than ever, we need to move Juvenile Myositis research forward. COVID-19 increased the vulnerability of children and teens with JM who receive treatments that suppress their immune systems. That’s why we are as committed as ever to our mission to find better treatments and a cure.

Our children are counting on us.

We always say, A Cure Can’t Wait 

Neither can our kids.

Now more than ever.

All proceeds benefit Cure JM Foundation, a non-profit dedicated to finding a cure for Juvenile Myositis, a life-threatening disease which causes the body's own immune system to attack healthy cells and tissues. It can affect virtually any system of the body, the heart, lungs, skin, muscles, and more.  There are currently no FDA-approved treatments and no cure. 

But with support from friends and family like you, we’re making progress to change that.  And now – more than ever— your support can help keep that progress on track for the children that are counting on us.

We are forever grateful to you and your support.  It means so much to us.



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