Walk Strong to Cure JM

Team Ava

Please help me make a difference in the lives of children, like Ava, who are living with juvenile myositis. Our family will be participating in Walk Strong 2024 on Sunday, May 5th to help raise awareness and also to raise crucial funds for JM. I have made a personal fundraising goal if you’re interested in donating. Your gift advances our fight against this disease.  Every dollar makes a difference to improve treatments, care, and support for awesome kids, like Ava. 💪🏻🩷


What is Juvenile Myositis?

Juvenile myositis is a rare autoimmune disease in which the body’s immune system attacks its own cells and tissues. A doctor may refer to juvenile myositis as juvenile dermatomyositis or JDM. Juvenile dermatomyositis is the most common form of the disease.


Juvenile myositis affects each child differently as the immune system typically attacks muscle and skin, resulting in significant and sometimes severe weakness and persistent rash. The exact cause of JM is unknown. Current treatments are imperfect, yet most children diagnosed today go on to live their best lives.  Our work is to help make the road to their best life easier, so they can get back to being kids again faster.

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