Join Us for Walk Strong Across America on July 4, 2021
We are participating in Walk Strong Across America and invite you to consider making a gift in support of the walk on or before July 4th.
My name is Colleen Kacedan, and I was diagnosed with JDM at 14. This has been a long three year journey, and I am proud to say that I am off of steroids and in remission on minimal medication. The first picture shows me at the height of my medications and the physical impact of steroids. After numerous doctors visits and infusions a year later, I was finally off of prednisone. The second picture shows how I look today after a year and a half of being off prednisone. Looking back I was fortunate as I was diagnosed early, and the disease only attacked my skin and not my muscles. I am looking to raise not only money but awareness in the continued search to find a cure for this rare disease.
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