Walk Strong Across America 2021
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Join Us for the 2nd Annual Walk Strong Across America


Walk Strong Across America - Minnesota

July 4, 2021



Cure JM is pleased to announce the 2nd annual Walk Strong Across America®.

This event will bring together Cure JM families, friends and supporters from across the entire country as well as outside the U.S. for one big virtual walk on July 4th.

We invite you to walk from the comfort of your home, in your yard or around your neighborhood.

Cure JM families, friends and supporters are coming together to raise $750,000 for Juvenile Myositis research.  By reaching our State Goal we can do our part to ensure we reach this important fundraising milestone.

Gifts will be matched by the Leetz Family Match.  Every dollar makes a difference and gifts will be put straight to work to advance research for better treatments, better care, and, ultimately, a cure.

We are so grateful for your support.


Register now to receive complimentary Walk Strong Across America T-Shirts for your immediate family.

Contact Lauren Alvord at: Lauren.Alvord@curejm.org or call/text 916-872-7883 for more information.


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Top 10 Participants
Participant Name Event Name Amount
Made a Personal Donation! Holly Howe Walk Strong Across America 2021


Laura Roske Walk Strong Across America 2021


Made a Personal Donation! Colleen Correll Walk Strong Across America 2021


Cure JM Minnesota Walk Strong Across America 2021


Presenting Sponsor 

National Sponsors