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Love Your Lake Microgrant Form


User Response

04/11/2024  The contest should attract the attention of our lake community. Members of the association will be recruited to help design the plantings, select and purchase materials and plants and do the plantings. Over the long term, this will also help support our annual sales of native trees and plants so that a natural shoreline will become the norm.
04/15/2021  SILT and the Twin Lakes Strata will work together in the restoration. The Strata includes 9 shorefront property owners who will be encouraged to participate in the restoration. As well as the strata members, SILT will encourage other community members to volunteer for the planting effort and learn about the restoration at this site. By restoring this area, community members will be able visualize how restoration could look on their properties, which will lead to further restoration efforts elsewhere.
04/15/2021  The contest will be open to all Wollaston Lake property owners.
06/01/2024  We will actively promote the project at our Annual General Meeting this year and through emails, Facebook, Instagram, and our newsletter. We will encourage participation in the planning and execution phases by offering refreshments, small prizes and by encouraging participants to learn and ask questions. We have been fortunate to work with Watersheds staff on a number of important projects on our lakes. We believe we have established a good track record and a great working relationship with the Watersheds team.
05/09/2024  Community members will participate in the planting process along the shorelines. We hope to engage the residents of our lake in getting to know each other better through this process and learning more about ways that we can all contribute to maintaining healthy shorelines.
05/30/2024  The NLWSG membership has endorsed the above approach to apply for funding. The Nepahwin Lake Watershed is a diverse community and we feel it important to engage businesses and institutions in stewardship activities to reach a wider and potentially high impact audience. The IGCC and NLWSG volunteers will be the main community members involved with the project. Dr. Mark Kuhlberg has also been informed and has offered input. The Laurentian University Environmental Sustainability Committee (student led and with a very active on-campus presence) and the watershed's LoEllen Park Secondary School have also been approached and have volunteered to help with planting, if needed.
05/21/2024  Giving them the chance to fix their shoreline with help from the volunteers and the knowledge of what to do in the future to keep it safe from erosion.
04/09/2021  We would continue to engage a wide range of community stakeholders in this project. These stakeholders would include: - the landowner, who has been very engaged and supportive of the project - Rebecca Willison of the District of Muskoka, who in the past has provided on-site consultation re: what native plants would be suitable for the site and has helped to coordinate their purchase via The Natural Edge program -Northway Gardeners, a local nursery, who in the past, has provided native plants for the project at a reduced cost -Safe and Quiet Lakes Association for signage -Rick Keevil, a local contractor and lake resident, who is able to provide a barge to transport materials for free -a significant number of volunteers from the Environmental Committee and lake, as a whole, to assist with the rehabilitation efforts
04/06/2021  Volunteers (committee members and interested public) will: -promote the project by newsletter, e-mail/social media -prepare planting site -plant perennials and shrubs -establish signage -water and weed during summer months
05/07/2024  Our lake community will be engaged with the transporting of plants from Perth, ON. to Barry's Bay, and with planting the vegetation.
03/20/2024  tes
05/08/2024  No one around here engages eachother. I would just be doing my part to try and help the lake get healthier and keep it as natural as possible
04/27/2024  The sign at the Bedford St. swale, our Facebook page and newsletters.
05/22/2024  Volunteers from the lake community will be needed for all aspects of the project, from preparing the site for the placing of river rock to transporting native plants to the site to helping with the planting. Announcements re: the need for volunteers will be made at the upcoming AGM and via the website, email and Facebook posts. Suppliers on the lake will be directly involved in the project and will be asked to donate services and/or time. For example, Cottage Barge has already donated one day of free barge services, including two labourers, the tractor used on the barge and gas. The local marina will be asked to allow boats providing materials and volunteers for the project to use their docks for free during the project. A local camp on the lake and near the project will be asked if they would like to provide volunteers for the project, as well. The Muskoka Watershed Council will be involved as the provider of information and native plants for the project under the Natural Edge program. As the Lake Vernon Association is now part of a greater group of four lake associations in the Huntsville area, all information about the project will be shared in hopes of encouraging further shoreline restoration projects.
03/16/2021  User Provided No Response
03/26/2021  The lake community will be engaged in several ways; 1. They will be volunteers to help plant the materials. 2. They will be 'advertisers' of the program by having signs placed on their properties indicating that they were part of the program. 3. They will promote the program through the provision of some testimonials and 'before' and 'after' videos and still images. 4. They will become advocates of naturalized shorelines and share the benefits with their neighbours and friends.
03/16/2021  eraf4ewqrew
03/17/2021  sadfsa
03/18/2021  test
03/19/2021  The community will be engaged by asking local groups and individuals to help with the plantings. The community farmers will also be asked to join as planting partners, by participating in the soil education and donating tracts of land along agricultural streambanks for planting. There will also be some community education components that are yet to be determined as we work with covid restrictions in mind.
03/22/2021  Lakeshore residents will be engaged as follows: advised of the shoreline naturalization project and its sponsors via direct e-mail and newsletter notifications; invited to request plantings suited to their properties; expected to plant, monitor and encourage the growth of any plantings that they may be given; requested to provide feedback, including before-and-after photos of the plantings on their properties; and informed about the outcomes of the project via newsletter and the Association's next annual general meeting.
03/17/2021  The community will be engaged by education as to why the work has taken place there. The area is in a confined area where footing may not be practical and safe for some. We will take pictures of the area that is being returned to the natural state and post on social media. As well, the lead (volunteer of the community and a local resident that lives close by) will also be available to explain why this work is being done.
03/17/2021  The community will be engaged by education as to why the work has taken place there. The area is in a confined area where footing may not be practical and safe for some. We will take pictures of the area that is being returned to the natural state and post on social media. As well, the lead (volunteer of the community and a local resident that lives close by) will also be available to explain why this work is being done.
03/17/2021  The community will be engaged by education as to why the work has taken place there. The area is in a confined area where footing may not be practical and safe for some. We will take pictures of the area that is being returned to the natural state and post on social media. As well, the lead (volunteer of the community and a local resident that lives close by) will also be available to explain why this work is being done.
03/18/2021  User Provided No Response
03/28/2021  The four members of our GTLASS board will research and purchase the plants. We will then promote what our grant was able to purchase and request volunteers from the community to come and help on the dates listed above. The notice will be posted on our page of the LNID website, on our Twin Lakes Community Face Book Page, on our community bulletin board, and our monthly publication for our entire area of the South Okanagan called Skaha Matters. I believe we have about 20 paid members of the community that belong to GTLASS that will most definitely help plant. I am sure COVID protocols will still be in place in May and we will follow all rules. I will coordinate the volunteers.
03/16/2021  atetas
03/16/2021  test
03/21/2021  Participating cottagers will pick up the material from the docks of their local director, in compliance with COVID 19 best practices; situate and dig the plants onto the shore; take pictures and share with fellow cottagers on website and Facebook.
03/19/2021  CLA volunteers will be responsible for coordinating the purchase and distribution of native plants. CLA will use its communication tools to spread the word about the project, its purpose, and how waterfront property owners can get involved. Individual property owners will have the opportunity to request plants for their shoreline. Those who receive plants will be responsible for planting them along their shoreline and will be encouraged to share photos with the larger lake community. Through social media, all members of the lake community will be invited to share photos of their shoreline as a way of spreading awareness about shoreline naturalization and its benefits. Links to additional resources will be provided including the Love Your Lake website and resources specific to the region (e.g., Best for the Biosphere) in order to inspire waterfront property owners to continue naturalization efforts beyond this initiative.
03/18/2021  Test
03/18/2021  Everyone will join in making Pam's lake the best lake ever!
03/18/2021  y5y5
03/19/2021  fwfw
03/17/2021  setset
03/17/2021  oi4utio345
03/17/2021  tes
03/17/2021  3urewk
03/17/2021  uityiuy
07/14/2023  The local community will help with the plantings.
07/19/2023  User Provided No Response
07/19/2023  We will publicize on our media sites and through the university community. We are seeking an outreach to new members along the shoreline and will promote this plant distribution and work on the rain garden as part of what our stewardship does.
06/21/2023  planting
06/19/2023  planting
07/15/2023  The lake community will be engaged by assisting with the work required to help with the plantings, photos and communications.
07/24/2023  Though communication to members via newsletter, email, social media, the lake community will be made aware of the importance of maintaining native planting in the shoreline area and of the opportunity to acquire appropriate plants purchased by the PLCA with the assistance of the grant.
07/19/2023  We will actively promote the project at our Annual General Meeting this year and through emails, Facebook, and Instagram. We will encourage participation in the planning and execution phases by offering refreshments, small prizes, and we will encourage our members to learn and ask questions. We have been fortunate to work with Watersheds staff on a number of important projects on our two lakes. We believe we have established a good track record and a great working relationship with Watersheds staff.
07/12/2023  We will communicate the greater initiative and ask for volunteers who wish to participate in the program but improving their properties and making real the recommendations they received in their LYL reports
07/18/2023  All hands on deck, so to speak! Our community is extremely passionate and always eager to spread the word about the importance of a healthy naturalized shoreline and improving and maintaining the natural habitats of the wildlife in this area. Our community engages with a number of like-minded community groups in Prince Edward County, participating and supporting their projects and events whenever possible. Our lake association is a conduit for information from The County's Environmental and Sustainability Hub, and also actively promotes the activities of Watersheds Canada and the Canadian Wildlife Federation through its communication network.
07/06/2023  test
04/09/2021  test
04/12/2021  The plantings will be visible from the road, so will act as a public demonstration site. Additionally, the process will be documented and shared on the LNID website so that other lakeshore owners can use the project as a starting point and/or inspiration for their own properties.
04/14/2021  The project will be promoted on the Facebook group, the website and by direct email. We will also be asking for assistance from our membership should any large planting job require willing volunteers.
04/13/2021  SILT will seek and encourage local lakeshore landowners and other community members to volunteer for the planting effort and subsequent care (weeding/watering) of the plants. As the Irrigation District land is public, this project will be an ongoing demonstration site for shoreline/riparian restoration. By restoring this area, community members will be able visualize how restoration could look on their properties, which will lead to further restoration efforts elsewhere.
04/12/2021  The NLWSG membership has been engaged and endorsed the above approach to apply for funding that would serve the broader watershed community who rely on public access to the lake, rather than private homeowners. Although NLWSG participated in the Love Your Lakes program in 2020, we have yet to receive our aggregate report, hence felt we needed more time to consider how best to engage private residences and learn more about the WC Natural Edge program. Also, the CGS Director of Housing Operations for the Greater Sudbury Housing Corporation (GSHC) supports this application and is our liaison to GSHC tenant association. The NLWSG will share the project goals and the design created by the CGS horticulture team with the director. The NLWSG has worked with the GSHC before to disseminate NLWSG information. The NLWSG is not engaging volunteers to assist with planting due to the uncertainty of the level of COVID-19 protocols over the planting season. CGS has kindly offered to undertake the planting free of charge. As mentioned under 'recognition', NLWSG newsletters, website, social media posts and possible wider media exposure will provide awareness and education on the important role of planting and maintaining naturalized shorelines.
04/12/2021  We will seek participation from our membership through advertisements and publicity. We will actively promote participation from families with children. We will publish stories about participation. We hope to engage some of our young members in creating a video and then publishing it as a youth project on the lake. We have two possible candidates next door to the proposed site who would love to take part. They are both high school students.
04/11/2021  Association members will be responsible for coordinating the purchase and distribution of native plants. Members will also be responsible for spreading the word about the project, its purpose, and how waterfront property owners can get involved. Individual property owners will have the opportunity to request plants for their shoreline. Those who receive plants will be responsible for planting them along their shoreline and will be encouraged to share photos with the larger lake community. Through social media, all members of the community will be invited to share photos of their shoreline as a way of spreading awareness about shoreline naturalization and its benefits. Links to additional resources will be provided including the Love Your Lake website and resources specific to the region (e.g., Best for the Biosphere) in order to inspire waterfront property owners to continuenaturalization efforts beyond this initiative.
04/07/2021  We will inform our Lake Association membership in our newsletters, outlining the value of this project and how they can use the same low cost filtration design on their lakefront property.
06/03/2024  Test
05/21/2024  Test
03/18/2021  test