Here when you need us

We support individuals and families to live well through serious illness, end of life and loss.

Care for people with serious illness

We will come to you. Support is provided in your home or at the hospice centre.

Care for families and caregivers

Our services are designed to help you through this time.

Care in residence for end of life

Our residence offers a home-like setting for care during the final weeks of life.

Care for people living with grief and loss

We offer groups and one-on-one support to help you cope with grief and loss.

Get involved. It's the most compassionate way to help your community.


individuals supported with care in their home


caregivers and bereaved individuals supported


individual and grief group sessions provided

Data is based on the 2022-23 fiscal year
"Having experienced the exceptional level of care of a family member, I can only hope that I as well can spend my own end-of-life at Dorothy Ley."

Latest news

New look, same heart: Dorothy Ley Hospice celebrates 35 years of care with refreshed logo, website and space

Dorothy Ley Hospice turns 35 this year and is marking the milestone with a refreshed visual identity, simplified and accessible website, ...

Together in community: The 2024 Jack Cooper Hike for Dorothy Ley Hospice

We are grateful to have spent the day with you, your family, friends, and our community members.  We hope you ...

Dorothy Ley Hospice executive director featured on The Waiting Room Revolution podcast

Dipti and the hosts discuss the synergy between hospice services and the Waiting Room Revolution, innovative ways hospices partner with ...

New project aims to create care model for vulnerably housed refugees

The Dorothy Ley Hospice has received a $100,000 grant from Health Excellence Canada to test a model of navigation and support ...

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