2024 Louisiana Walks


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Suggested Goal: $500.00
Kick start your fundraising by putting your skin in the game! Make the first donation on your fundraising page.
Adult Tee: $15.00 Tee comes with adult registration. You can purchase an additional tee here.
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Child Tee: $15.00 Child tee - optional purchase with child registration.
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Parade of Prizes - 15 Tickets: $10.00 Fifteen raffle tickets for the Parade of Prizes, printed with your name and phone number, ready for pick-up at the event.
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Parade of Prizes - 35 Tickets: $20.00 35 raffle tickets for the Parade of Prizes, printed with your name and phone number, ready for pick-up at the event.
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Liquor Wagon - 1 Ticket: $5.00 One ticket for the liquor wagon raffle.
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Liquor Wagon - 5 Tickets: $20.00 5 tickets for the liquor wagon raffle.
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