Individualized Treatment for Brain Health

Emory Brain Health Center is transforming patient-centered care for brain and spinal cord conditions through research and discovery. Unlike any other healthcare system in the country, Emory Healthcare combines neurology, psychiatry and behavioral sciences, neurosurgery, rehabilitation medicine, and sleep medicine to offer complete, coordinated care for disorders of the brain.

Our providers, researchers and scientists work together daily to deliver individualized patient treatment plans for optimal brain and body health. Using advanced technologies and ongoing, creative partnerships between specialties, we’re able to shorten the lag time between scientific inquiry, discovery, and development of therapies that change patients’ lives.

These unique collaborations are demonstrated in some of the more than 20 centers and programs within the Brain Health Center, such as the Epilepsy Center, Pituitary Center, Stroke Center, Treatment-Resistant Depression Program, and Veterans Program.

Emory Brain Health Center
1440 Clifton Road NE, Suite 170
Atlanta, GA 30322

Phone: 404-727-3573