Be Present: Mindfulness for Work and Life

Thursday, April 20, 2017
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

mindfulness.pngWomen Lead Webinar Series

At some point in your life, you’ve probably had someone suggest you “take a deep breath” to help you calm down. As human beings, we instinctively know that our breath can relieve stress, but did you know it can also help cultivate your ability to focus, increase mental clarity, stimulate creative thinking and deepen your interpersonal communication and leadership skills?

In this session with Shannon Demko, certified mindfulness instructor and founder of MindfulMBA, you will learn about different types of mindfulness activities – including breathing exercises, visualization, and mindful movement – that you can easily incorporate into your busy, everyday life.

Join us for a mid-day break that will relax, restore and recharge with a fresh perspective and new skills to catch your breath, and unleash your potential.

This webinar is presented by:

Shannon Demko

Shannon Demko

Shannon Demko is a certified mindfulness instructor and founder of MindfulMBA, a website designed to make mindfulness accessible and relevant to the MBA lifestyle. She has spent over fifteen years working with business students, alumni, and applicants in both the university and non-profit settings as an admissions officer, and now an MBA admissions coach. She has an undergraduate degree in English from Georgetown, a masters degree in Communication from the University of Pennsylvania, and additional graduate training in nutrition and health promotion management. She is passionate about helping bright, talented and motivated individuals harness their personal sources of strength to achieve their goals and dreams, particularly within the business world.

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